Thursday, December 3, 2015

Libretto for H.S., Church Hall, Community Theatre

I hope to God that future musical versions of IVstat doesn't ever play on Broadway or make a few people very rich.

That would be my personal idea of Hell and an example of total abject failure.

I always intended this blog's contents (and the relatively few blog posts that form a formal linear narrative) to merely form the 'back story' to a fire-starting "closet libretto" about Henry Dawson's inclusivity visions.

So I certainly hope many other people, around the world, try making Dawson's globe-changing but intimate WWII epic struggle into a full musical.

And I definitely hope that the most successful and best loved IVstat musicals are PD (public domain) and put on by amateurs ; people doing it for love, like Henry Dawson himself.

Performed in high school, college and university auditoriums, in church and legion halls ; put on by kids in school and by adults in community theatre.

I hope only that the musical entertains, moves and uplifts while making viewers seriously question their own potential ethical behavior in times of global crisis.

Like our looming ecological disaster.

Along the lines of, "now what would Henry do ?"

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